Smarter Homes and Buildings​

With 5G, many devices in the home can be connected for simultaneous monitoring. In other words, this means that home thermostats, security monitors, and even lightbulbs can be consistently observed, allowing swift and accurate responses to problems. Moreover, this use of 5G is especially appealing to property managers, who can use it to quickly solve electrical and mechanical malfunctions within the home.

Glitch-Free Remote Offices​

Glitch-Free Remote Office

Slow document loading times are common in real estate offices due to cloud storage. It may fix this 4G lag. 5G processing speeds save remote workers time. Also, it should also reduce video call interruptions for digital workers.

Artificial Intelligence​

Artificial Intelligence programs developed with 5G can save real estate market participants time and money in the future. The Apartment Ocean chatbot responds instantly to website visitors. A complex AI system generates human-like responses for the app. Compass, a customer relationship management tool, uses Artificial Intelligence to give users personalized recommendations and inform real estate agents about their home-searching platforms.

Better Augmented Reality​

AR opens new online real estate opportunities. Web-browsing homebuyers can experience AR. House tours are now possible with real-world images and text. Augmented Reality lets buyers digitally arrange furniture and décor in the house to plan their living space. However, RealAR, an Australian AR startup, created an app that converts housing floor plans into 3D images. AR can do much more than this app.

Flexibility to Live and Work Anywhere​

Subsequently, 5G connects rural areas to big cities. People can move freely without worrying about cell signal and internet speed. Additionally, 5G improves remote work with better connectivity and fewer streaming interruptions. Also, it could be used to develop self-driving cars, giving commuters more time to do other things. Moreover, this new technology may benefit remote workers.

New Revenue Streams​

In conclusion, 5G signals travel shorter distances than 4G, requiring space for antennas and boosters. Rooftops are ideal for 5G equipment for two reasons. When unobstructed, 5G service is expanded. Second, homeowners dislike large 5G boxes on public common areas.

Commercial real estate investors may benefit from leasing rooftops to service providers. Of course, depending on location, service provider, and city population, monthly rent could be $2,500–$20,000. Lastly, Investors receive a steady income from these prices and a 20-30-year lease.

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