Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Move

Overestimate How Much Time it Will Take

Moving may seem like a fairly simple task, but the process is very time consuming and involves many different people. It is important to overestimate the amount of time you think each individual task will take. It is better to have extra time instead of not enough. When packing up the house, give yourself an extra day. When hiring professional movers, be sure to book them for enough time. Moving from your home is stressful enough without adding to it by running out of time.

Overestimate The Amount of Planning it Takes

The process of moving involves both large and small tasks. The large tasks are very easy to remember and plan for. The smaller tasks are much easier to overlook or unintentionally forget. One way to prevent this from happening is by utilizing “moving” checklists. These checklists can be found on the internet or created yourself. These tools will allow you to focus on the physical move from one home to another, and less on remembering every tiny detail.

Don’t Underestimate the Amount of Physical Work

Tips and Tricks for moving

Many of the tasks involved with moving are very physically demanding. It is vital that you do not underestimate the amount of physical work that moving requires. Be sure to allot time for breaks and only schedule an amount of physical labor each day that you can handle. Finishing a day earlier is not worth an injury to yourself or to anyone who is helping with the move.

Over-Budget the Cost of Your Move

Moving is an expensive process. From the physical move to the impact it has on the mover’s life, it is a financial cost. Packing materials must be purchased and movers must be hired. You may have to eat out more or stay in a hotel for a few nights. These listed costs are just the beginning of what goes into a move. When creating a budget for the move, be sure to allot a little extra in each category. This will help you stay within your budget that you set at the beginning of the process.

Underestimate the Amount of Family Help

Family and friends are a great tool to utilize while moving, but they are sometimes not the most reliable source of help. They have their own lives, and things might come up that cause them to cancel. When estimating how much help you will be receiving from family and friends, underestimate the amount of help you believe you will receive. This helps you to plan and ensure that you will have enough help for each task.

Hire Professionals

Hire Professionals to Move
It is tempting to undertake the move without the help of professional movers. Professional movers may seem like a large cost for something that you are capable of doing on your own. This is not the case. Professional movers are insured professionals that are trained to help the moving process go as smoothly as possible. With the help of professionals, the move will be quicker, safe and more efficient.  You no longer have to worry about injuring yourself or a friend by moving heavy furniture up and down steps!!

Overestimate the Time it Will Take Your Home to be REALTOR® Ready

Getting a home ready to list on the market is not as simple as just moving furniture and personal belongings out of the home. There may be damage or flaws hiding behind or under furniture. Once the house is empty, it will most likely require some type of repairs. In addition to repairs, the home will need to be cleaned after it is vacated. Furniture may have prevented you from reaching some areas to clean, so the house needs to either be cleaned personally or professionally before it is ready for a REALTOR®.

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